Tag Archives: 2018

ADB 2018 – SP1

Activity Database 2018 Service Pack 1 incorporates all hot-fixes since the 2018 release version.

  • 20181208 – Issue with SQL Server licensing.
  • 20190204 – ADB filters for Revit 2018/2019.
  • 20190208 – Component Instance data on MS Access projects.
  • 20190219 – Where-Used report for SQL Server licensing.

SP1 also reinstates support for AutoCAD 2010, 11 and 12 both 64 and 32 bit versions for those users not on the Autodesk subscription programme.

ALL hot-fixes must be removed prior to installation, the service pack requires that Activity Database 2018 is already installed.

Hot Fixes – Feb 2019

Hot fixes round up for ADB 2018.

HF#20190204 – Fixes an issue when using filters for collaborative working, affects Revit users on 2018 and 2019. – hot fix has no prerequisites.

HF#20190208 – Fixes an issue for Component Instance Data with MS Access projects, affects users setting dynamic/stretched length values. – hot fix has no prerequisites.

HF#20190219 – Fixes an issue for Where-Used component reports with SQL Licencing, only affects users that have switched to SQL Licensing. – hot fix has no prerequisites.

ADB 2018 – Windows 10 Installation fails to complete


During the installation of ADB 2018 on a clean build of Windows 10 files fail to register with the system.

  1. ADBOLE32.dll
  2. ADBEditor.ocx

with HRESULT -2147010895. Contact your support personnel.

Users that have ignored the unregistered components issue will find that they are caught in an infinite login loop.


A Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime dependency is missing from the Windows installation, the dependency could be installed from any other software package or an earlier Windows Update.

The dependency may also be present from users upgrading to Windows 10 from any other version of Microsoft Windows.

The dependency is not distributed on Windows Update for clean builds of Windows 10.


Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable package from Microsoft,


please be advised Talon are not responsible for content or links to other sites/pages.

ADB IT – Computer workstations, V1

We have put together a package of Assemblies (Revit nested families) of IT components in computer workstation configurations, dual 17″ or 27″ screen options, with optional alternatives with phone and printer; in left or right handed layouts.

Please note these have been kept separate from the main ADB data set releases.

This is version one of the package; compatible for all versions of ADB and Revit 2015 and above.

Please see the download category data for the ADB IT data set and the Revit category for the nested families and components.


ADB 2018 – Software Release

ADB 2018 contains additional functionality for Revit users, integration with Autodesk 2019 products (AutoCAD/Revit), new Microsoft SQL Server based licencing option.

To install ADB, the system must first be up-to-date with Windows Update, the Software release has two parts, new users need both parts.

(combine the contents of both downloaded packages into one folder)

Part one: ADBSetup.msi is the installation package.

Part two: MISC2018.zip is all the additional items new users will need.


  • COBieExport Example
  • Crystal Reports XI SP4 installer
  • Miscellaneous: ihs.cer
  • Revit: xml + ADB Shared Parameter file
  • SQLServer: Scripts and templates
  • Setup.bat: this will check Crystal Reports and install ADB

(optional): ADB Documentation 2018: The documentation has been split out of the release as a separate download, please see documentation category.

** Upgrading users from earlier versions of ADB must run Post Upgrade **

** Please note all users will need to re-configure the AutoCAD and Revit add-ons, all versions.**

Remove previous versions and any Service pack/Hot fixes prior to installation.