ADB 2018 – Windows 10 Installation fails to complete


During the installation of ADB 2018 on a clean build of Windows 10 files fail to register with the system.

  1. ADBOLE32.dll
  2. ADBEditor.ocx

with HRESULT -2147010895. Contact your support personnel.

Users that have ignored the unregistered components issue will find that they are caught in an infinite login loop.


A Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime dependency is missing from the Windows installation, the dependency could be installed from any other software package or an earlier Windows Update.

The dependency may also be present from users upgrading to Windows 10 from any other version of Microsoft Windows.

The dependency is not distributed on Windows Update for clean builds of Windows 10.


Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable package from Microsoft,

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